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HomeCommunityPartisan Elected and Unelected Officials Deliberately Break Land Use Law

Partisan Elected and Unelected Officials Deliberately Break Land Use Law

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Before Progressive Yamhill’s cancel culture attacked Newberg school Board members over parents’ rights they embarked on a campaign to denigrate Lindsay Berschauer fully seven months before she became a Commissioner. They feared her vigilance would expose clandestine activities regarding the Yamhelas-Westsider Trail (YWT) and it did. For the past two years progressives have massaged their narrative that excludes facts, timelines and land use laws. Records requests in 2021 contained many emails of plans to conduct inappropriate activity, smear opponents and mislead low information voters. Those emails showed County Administrators, County Counsel, County Grants Coordinator, one active Commissioner and two past Commissioners complicit involvement with Friends of Yamhelas-Westsider Trail (FYT) to deliberately hurt farming with an illegal project funded by taxpayers. Read Leo Tolstoy to understand the partisan divide in citizenry.

Read the Truth About The Trail to find damning emails implicating Trail partisans.

Read the Yamhill Advocate to find damning Facebook posts implicating Progressive Yamhill.

FYT leadership started the Trail by telling the 2012 BOC that farmers had no objections to the project. The first grant money was obtained when the same false statement was made to the Mid-Willamette Valley Area Commission on Transportation. That’s when farmers found out about plans for a Trail and took action, winning all hearings before Oregon’s Land Use Board of Appeals. The County defied all LUBA remands until they were permanently stayed (stopped). The County mislead ODOT on timelines controlling use of grant money. Ultimately, that money had to be paid back. County government and their accomplices believed they were above the same laws we all live by. They still hold that belief, taking taxpayers that pay their salaries for granted. Deliberate falsification, brazen defiance of LUBA rulings and personal attacks on any who don’t go along with their wishes, those associated with the YWT and the Recall have no shame.

Their vicious attempt to Recall Commissioner Berschauer must be answered with a determined NO vote on or before March 22nd.

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Tom Hammer
Tom Hammer
Tom Hammer is a 75 year old native Oregonian and Hazelnut farmer. His interests include civics and public policy. A member of NFIB small business advocates, he believes free market economics is our common bond.
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