The Yamhill County Clerk office has became aware that mistakes are printed on ballots mailed to residents in Newberg, Oregon. These mistakes are specific but voters are encouraged to vote for candidates appearing on their ballot as they normally would and to not leave any fields bank when voting for candidates.
The nature of the mistake is that Newberg is a city where city council elections are “elected at large”, meaning that all city residents vote to elect city counselors regardless of the district the resident lives in. The mistake is that only residents who live in a district that has a councilor running for election in November are seeing the option to vote for a city councilor; people who live outside of the candidate’s district are not seeing an option to vote for that city councilor. All Newberg residents are able to vote for a mayor candidate and all other county and state elections are printed normally without error.
Residents have been informed by the Yamhill County Clerk office to vote normally on the ballots for all candidates they wish to see elected. In December there will be a special election specifically for the missing votes for Newberg city council candidates, but votes for mayor will still be counted on November 8th.
Voters have been advised to vote for ALL candidates they wish to see elected on their ballot.
The date for the special election in December is tentatively the 20th.
Here is the statement provided by the Yamhill County Clerk’s Office,

Yamhill County Commissioner Lindsay Berschauer has also posted information about this error,