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Suspected Homeless Newberg Man Caught on Ring Camera Impaling His Rectum on Yard Pole

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Newberg, Oregon: Last night, at 8:19 PM on Friday, January 19th, a man urinated on a house on Hoskin’s Street and then proceeded to sit upon a metal pole staked into the front yard in such a way that the pole inserted into his rectum. According to the home owner, the man did not defecate in the yard and the act may have been intended to be sexual in nature. The owners report that a white residue was found near the site. The man has been reported to police and no arrests have been made yet. He is suspected to be a homeless transient, as the house where this incident occurred is near Northside Community Church, which operates a homeless shelter.

The Yamhill Advocate obtained this video clip of the incident. Readers are cautioned that it is graphic in nature.

Homeless shelters in suburban neighborhoods in Newberg have been controversial, as previous Yamhill Advocate articles have reported on. Residents near these shelters, frequently operating out of churches or buildings owned by YCAP, have claimed the homeless people are aggressive and hostile to nearby home owners, and engage in vandalism and burglary.

Northside Community Church is also known as having sheltered Zachery Rian Midkiff, a transient who was arrested for rape in August.

Last April, the Newberg Public Library, a known hangout for transients, was evacuated for fentanyl contamination,

Update: According to a reliable source the man has been identified as a local vagrant originally from California who is a known drug abuser and who had previously been arrested for similar behavior in the Newberg Burger King parking lot. The man, currently on probation, had been kicked out of the Northside Community Church shelter for fighting with other people at the shelter shortly before he committed this act captured on Ring video. Police are currently searching for him to make an arrest.

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Carey Martell
Carey Martell
Publisher and editor for Yamhill Advocate. Digital media entrepreneur. Born and raised in Newberg, Oregon. US Army Veteran.


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Absolutely inappropriate and disgusting 🤮

The Lone Limericist

A fellow from Newberg named Ecktrom
Described as somewhat on the spectrum
Was feeling quite randy, but couldn’t find his Andy
So he christened a pole with his rectum!

Kyrie Danielle Wimer

I must say that this young reporter is very thorough in his research yet so off-base in opinion. I also see your point of the “pet” in Jane’s situation when looking at it 2D. He only spouts from one perspective. What if her partner lied to her? What if they planned on a traditional family and he died? What about the thought of getting it all back to lose it again is a mental block she maintains with keeping a pet, hence, no loss. He is so out of touch that he thinks the foster care system is better!!! Guess no fact checking there, per convenience. Carey whatever… Oregon doesn’t have enough foster homes so the kids live in juvenile detention facilities. Your town is trying to help people regardless of the decisions that got them there. Do you know how many of your soldier brothers are homeless? Are you angry you did things the “ right” way and some who didn’t are getting help for free? Do you imagine your life was harder or easier?


You know what gets me is why they have to make it seem like all homeless people are crazy and hostile. The shelter being where it’s at had nothing to do with this guy’s behavior and neither does being homeless. This guy has something not right with his mind and needs help and detox. This has nothing to do with being homeless and everything to do with mental health.

Michelle Miller

What in the crazy mental health drug addiction pole sitting hell is happening?…. And then to publish it … Oh my – I definitely did not expect to see THAT. I will need therapy now … thanks

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