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Yamhill County Commissioner Candidate Bubba King Criticized for Hiding Ties to Democrat Political Machine

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Earlier this month on April 13th the Northwest Observer published an article discussing a complaint that has been filed against Yamhill County Commissioner election candidate Bubba King and his campaign. The complaint accuses the campaign of violating campaign finance laws to conceal the identity of donors by having Lynette Shaw (a controversial figure in Yamhill County politics involved in numerous scandals) report donations to Bubba King’s PAC as personal donations from her when, per the complaint, the donations actually are from the Oregon Taproot PAC (formerly known as Save Yamhill County PAC) which Shaw is the director of. The PAC was originally formed to recall Bubba King’s opponent, Lindsay Berschauer.

(As a side note, last year Lynette Shaw attacked me with an airhorn in public when I went to a Pride Day event in Newberg, OR where she and other social activists held a secret drag queen show for children)

Bubba King is presently campaigning against incumbent Yamhill County Commissioner Lindsey Berschauer, who has served in the position for the past term. Berschauer successfully endured an effort by Lynette Shaw and other key members of the Yamhill County Democrats political machine to recall her back in 2022, which the Yamhill Advocate extensively covered in past articles.

Bubba King is part of the Yamhill County Democrats political machine. As previously reported when he ran unsuccessfully for the Chehalem Parks and Recs District Board, Bubba King’s wife, Sarah King, is a member of Progressive Yamhill and its subgroup, Newberg Equity in Education, whose activities I extensively reported on in prior articles, such as Meet the Newberg, Oregon Mafia Led by Elected Officials and Other Community Leaders and Meet Progressive Yamhill.

Proof of Sara King’s membership in the Newberg Equity in Education Facebook Group

Even on Bubba King’s own Facebook Page, his campaign makes no effort to conceal the support he is gaining from fellow Progressive Yamhill members.

As detailed with Facebook group membership list evidence in my previously linked to articles, Linda Watkins, Remy Drabkin, Zack Geary, Molly Olson, Elise Yarnell Hollamon, and James Wolfer are members of the Progressive Yamhill group. Furthermore, in a past article, I reported that Hollamon admitted to me in person that the Progressive Yamhill group is controlled by the Yamhill County Democrats Party and that it is used to organize its political activism (an article which, by the way, Hollamon tried to have me arrested for because she didn’t realize I was still recording audio when she admitted this information).

As extensively covered in my past articles about this group, one of the major goals for the Yamhill County Democrats party is to revive the doomed Yamhelas Westsider Trail project as a means of implementing light railway connected to Portland that would benefit the personal tourist-based businesses many of the key players of the Yamhill County Democrats own, such as local wineries. This trail project, when it was active until becoming shut down by lawsuits, violated Oregon land use laws, wasted millions of dollars of tax dollars and if had went forward, would have destroyed local Yamhill County farms adjacent to it, forcing these family owned farms to shut down operations. Yet the Yamhill County Democrat elite don’t care about any of this, as they only desire to further their own selfish interests of getting the public to subsidize tourism to their privately owned businesses at the expense of everyone else living in this county.

As the Yamhill County Democrats failed to get their preferred candidates elected to the Chehalem Parks and Recreation District Board so that they could use CPRD to revive this project, they are now once again looking to get candidates elected to the County Board of Commissioners.

Bubba King has made no effort to hide his support for trail projects, such as in this Facebook post where he claimed, with no evidence, that trail projects can bring in millions of dollars.

Despite his statement that the Yamhelas Westsider Trail is a ‘burnt bridge’, the Yamhill County Democratic Party political machine that is financing his election campaigns has continued to support it via the Friends of Yamhelas Westsider Trail nonprofit group which continues to be active. One of their tactics has been to try to use other trail projects to fight the land board’s decision regarding Yamhelas Westsider Trail, such as they attempted to do using CPRD’s trail projects until the recent election resulted in the CPRD directors who supported entering into another expensive legal battle over trails lost their seats to more fiscal conservative candidates, Matt Smith and Jason Fields.

Setting aside all other political issues between conservatives and progressives in Oregon, and especially in Yamhill County Oregon, the choice before Yamhill County voters between Lindsay Berschauer and Bubba King is a question of how you want your tax dollars to be spent.

If you want your tax dollars to be spent on frivolous and unnecessary litigation against state agencies in an effort to revive the Yamhelas Westsider Trail project so that a handful of wealthy, mostly former Californian winery owners can use your tax dollars to orchestrate the construction of a light rail project to Portland that will only benefit themselves and would further drive out the local hazelnut industry (several of the small family farms in question that would be forced to shut down if the trail project was built, grow hazelnuts), then cast your vote for Bubba King. I believe this is what will happen were he elected, as the Yamhill Democrats party political machine he is part of is obsessed with this trail project.

If you want a fiscally conservative Yamhill County board of commissioners that does not steamroll over the interests of local Oregon farmers as a means of bending the knee to the wine tourism industry cartel, then cast your vote for Lindsay Berschauer. She is not anti-wine tourism industry, but her voting record demonstrates she also does not kiss their ring, either.

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Carey Martell
Carey Martellhttps://www.yamhilladvocate.com
Publisher and editor for Yamhill Advocate. Digital media entrepreneur. Born and raised in Newberg, Oregon. US Army Veteran.


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Hiding tie I don’t even think he owns any given the hoodie he has on

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